Sabrina A Shrout

Founder of REALIFE


Navigating the ever-shifting tides of real estate with an insider's expertise gathered over 24 years, I've mastered the waves of market highs and lows, intricate deals, unique personas, and countless nuances. My passion intertwines the thrill of real estate with the joy of connecting with people and the fulfillment of enlightening minds. My mission? To empower you with well-versed insights, sparing you the trials of 'learning the hard way' and the frustration of secrets unshared. As your career architect, I reject the notion of unspoken wisdom. Let's embrace transparency together, and as I often stress in my workshops and mentorship sessions, "If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem." Join me in piecing together those elusive puzzles of real estate knowledge that are rarely spoken about, ensuring your foundation is solid, your questions answered, and your path to success clear.

In Missouri, I am actively and proudly brokering my own firm. My journey wasn't a straight line to success. I started out as an agent in various types and sizes of offices, grew to an agent with a team, then a broker of my own office. My multi-million dollar portfolio, on and off the MLS, has trained me in so many facets of this exciting trade. My secret to survival in this space is easy: BEING ADAPTABLE! What do I mean by that? I am constantly evaluating the market and ready position myself ahead of what is coming next.

Case in point: In 2007, I noticed a shift in the market that I knew would not end well within the following couple of years. I flew to California (2 months post- major surgery) for 5 days to learn about short sales. Sure, everyone now knows what a short sale is. At that time in Missouri, though, very few people had even heard of it. With that knowledge, I positioned myself in front of AGENTS. The result? Within 6 months, I received A TIDALWAVE OF REFERRALS from AGENTS. Why? They were taking on listing appointments from Owners that needed to sell, the property was worth less than what was owed the bank, and Agents had not yet received the training to handle this type of transaction.

Being adaptable is so important! By thinking like a business person and taking a chance, I was able to set myself up for a stream of income that was unique in the market. This very philosophy fuels my coaching approach, dismantling barriers and empowering real estate professionals to carve their own career path.

My experience has led to several blueprints:

Real Estate Sales- 24 Years of Expertise

Resales have been the powerhouse of my business. Many of my passions reside in resale property transactions- the people, the history, the architecture, the educating. From residential to commercial sales, my zeal and knowledge banks are exploding. Traversing this landscape has led me to many rewarding being a Foreclosure Master. Being proficient here has not just widened my revenue streams—it's amplified my firm's triumphs significantly.


An exhilarating journey! Venturing into this profitable realm was a rush like no other. Mastering strategies to empower investors to acquire a diverse portfolio of properties has been my forte. From rehabs to multi-family dwellings, rentals to flips – I've navigated every avenue. This dynamic and challenging world of real estate is constantly transforming, and so am I.

New Construction.

While this is a very market-friendly avenue of real estate, it can be very profitable. Learning when to step in and what to do get grow your business is the key here. The fun part don't have to just be a selling agent to have an income stream in this arena (cliff-hanger)!

Real Estate Property Management & Leasing- 20 Years of Expertise

Property Management.

Dive into the world of real estate property management with me! What began as a whisper of word of mouth, blossomed into a flourishing, reliable monthly revenue source for my business. Imagine nurturing a single portfolio for 17 incredible years~ I've done it. The depth of expertise garnered from 20 years is just what I'm eager to share with you.


What a wonderful side-revenue or build your whole business with it! This has been such a nice addition to my office and has led to an additional stream of income that I want to pass along.

Real Estate Brokering & Office Management- 20 Years of Expertise

Venturing into the realm of managing my own brokerage was uncharted territory. With no roadmap, advice, or checklist at hand, I sculpted a business that's a true testament to success. Navigating the complexities of files, agents, and state compliance was a dynamic challenge. Mastering the art of managing staff and maintaining broker responsibilities, I had to conquer. Now, the exhilaration of guiding those who wrestle with similar aspirations or seek this path in their career - that's where yet another passion ignites!